Options for Handling Uncommitted Changes When Switching Branches in VSC

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in VSC when checkout to another branch I got this message: Your local changes would be overwritten by checkout. And I got the follow options: 1 - stash & checkout 2 - migrate changes 3 - force checkout 4 - cancel

Explain the options


When you try to checkout to another branch in Visual Studio Code (VSC) and you receive the message "Your local changes would be overwritten by checkout," it means that you have uncommitted changes in your current branch that would be lost if you switch to another branch. Here are the options you have and what they mean:

  1. Stash & Checkout:

    • Stash: This option will save your current uncommitted changes to a temporary storage called a "stash." This allows you to switch branches without losing your changes.
    • Checkout: After stashing your changes, VSC will switch to the target branch.
    • You can later apply the stashed changes to any branch by using the git stash pop command.
  2. Migrate Changes:

    • This option will attempt to apply your current uncommitted changes to the target branch after switching. This is useful if you want to keep working on your changes in the context of the new branch.
    • Note that this might result in conflicts if the changes are not compatible with the target branch.
  3. Force Checkout:

    • This option will discard your uncommitted changes and switch to the target branch immediately.
    • Warning: This action is irreversible, and you will lose any uncommitted changes.
  4. Cancel:

    • This option will cancel the checkout operation, leaving you on your current branch with your uncommitted changes intact.
    • Use this if you want to review or commit your changes before switching branches.

Choose the option that best fits your workflow and the importance of your uncomm