HRD Prediction Using CNVkit in Tumor-Only Mode: Step-by-Step Guide

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can you describe steps for HRD prediction with using CNVkit in tumor only mode and suggest any software for this


Certainly! HRD (Homologous Recombination Deficiency) prediction using CNVkit in tumor-only mode involves several steps. CNVkit is a tool designed for copy number variation (CNV) analysis from high-throughput sequencing data. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using CNVkit for HRD prediction in tumor-only mode:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install CNVkit:

    • Ensure you have Python installed.
    • Install CNVkit using pip:
      pip install cnvkit
  2. Prepare Reference:

    • Since you are working in tumor-only mode, you need a reference genome. CNVkit can create a flat reference if you don't have matched normal samples. reference -f <reference_genome.fasta> -o flat_reference.cnn
  3. Run CNVkit on Tumor Sample:

    • Use CNVkit to process your tumor sample BAM file. batch <tumor_sample.bam> -r flat_reference.cnn -d output_directory/
  4. Segment the Copy Number Data:

    • Segment the copy number data to identify regions of gain or loss. segment output_directory/<tumor_sample.cnr> -o output_directory/<tumor_sample.cns>
  5. Call Copy Number Variants:

    • Call CNVs from the segmented data. call output_directory/<tumor_sample.cns> -o output_directory/<>
  6. Analyze HRD:

    • For HRD prediction, you need to analyze the patterns of CNVs. Tools like scarHRD can be used to score HRD based on CNV data.
    • Convert CNVkit output to a format compatible with scarHRD or similar tools. export seg output_directory/<> -o output_directory/<tumor_sample.seg>
  7. Run HRD Prediction Tool:

    • Use an HRD prediction tool like scarHRD to analyze the CNV data.
      scar_score <- scarHRD::scar_score("output_directory/<tumor_sample.seg>", reference_genome = "hg19")

Suggested Software for HRD Prediction:

  1. scarHRD:

    • An R package that calculates HRD scores based on CNV data.
    • Installation:
  2. HRDetect:

    • A more comprehensive tool that integrates multiple types of genomic data (including CNVs) to predict HRD.
    • Requires more complex setup and integration with other data types.
  3. LOH-HRD:

    • Another R package that focuses on loss of heterozygosity (LOH) as a marker for HRD.
    • Installation:


  • Install CNVkit and prepare a flat reference.
  • Process the tumor sample to identify CNVs.
  • Segment and call CNVs using CNVkit.
  • Export CNV data to a compatible format for HRD prediction tools.
  • Use HRD prediction tools like scarHRD to analyze the CNV data and predict HRD status.

By following these steps, you can effectively use CNVkit in tumor-only mode to predict HRD and utilize additional software to interpret the results.