Guide to Creating and Using PivotTables in Excel

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how to use pivot in excel?


Using PivotTables in Excel is a powerful way to summarize, analyze, explore, and present your data. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create and use a PivotTable in Excel:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Ensure your data is in a tabular format with headers for each column. Each column should contain a single type of data (e.g., dates, numbers, text).

Step 2: Insert a PivotTable

  1. Select Your Data Range: Click anywhere in the data range you want to analyze.
  2. Insert PivotTable:
    • Go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
    • Click on PivotTable.
    • In the Create PivotTable dialog box, ensure the correct data range is selected.
    • Choose where you want the PivotTable report to be placed (either a new worksheet or an existing one).
    • Click OK.

Step 3: Build Your PivotTable

  1. PivotTable Fields Pane: On the right side of the Excel window, you’ll see the PivotTable Fields pane.
  2. Drag Fields to Areas:
    • Rows: Drag the fields you want to display as rows.
    • Columns: Drag the fields you want to display as columns.
    • Values: Drag the fields you want to aggregate (e.g., sum, average) in the Values area.
    • Filters: Drag fields here if you want to filter the entire PivotTable based on specific criteria.

Step 4: Customize Your PivotTable

  1. Value Field Settings: Click on the drop-down arrow next to a field in the Values area and select Value Field Settings to change the type of calculation (e.g., Sum, Count, Average).
  2. Sorting and Filtering: Use the drop-down arrows in the PivotTable to sort and filter your data.
  3. PivotTable Tools: Use the PivotTable Analyze and Design tabs on the Ribbon to further customize the appearance and functionality of your PivotTable.

Step 5: Refresh Your PivotTable

If your underlying data changes, you can refresh the PivotTable to reflect the updates:

  • Click anywhere in the PivotTable.
  • Go to the PivotTable Analyze tab on the Ribbon.
  • Click Refresh.


Suppose you have a dataset of sales transactions with columns for Date, Product, Region, and Sales Amount. You can create a PivotTable to summarize total sales by product and region.

  1. Insert PivotTable: Select your data range and insert a PivotTable.
  2. Build PivotTable:
    • Drag Product to the Rows area.
    • Drag Region to the Columns area.
    • Drag Sales Amount to the Values area.
  3. Customize: Change the Value Field Settings to Sum if it’s not already set.


  • Grouping: You can group data in PivotTables (e.g., group dates by month or year).
  • Calculated Fields: Create custom calculations using fields in your PivotTable.
  • Slicers: Add slicers for an interactive way to filter data.

By following these steps, you can effectively use PivotTables to analyze and present your data in Excel.