Stripe: Comprehensive Payment Processing and Financial Services Platform

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what is stripe


Stripe is a technology company that provides economic infrastructure for the internet. Its primary product is a suite of payment processing software and application programming interfaces (APIs) for e-commerce websites and mobile applications. Stripe's services are designed to facilitate online payments, making it easier for businesses to accept and manage transactions over the internet.

Key features and services offered by Stripe include:

  1. Payment Processing: Stripe allows businesses to accept payments from credit and debit cards, as well as other payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and various local payment options.

  2. Billing: Stripe offers tools for managing recurring billing and subscriptions, making it easier for businesses to handle ongoing customer payments.

  3. Connect: This service is designed for platforms and marketplaces, enabling them to facilitate payments between third-party sellers and buyers.

  4. Radar: Stripe's fraud prevention tool uses machine learning to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions.

  5. Atlas: A service that helps entrepreneurs start a global business from anywhere in the world by providing assistance with company formation, banking, and more.

  6. Terminal: Stripe's solution for in-person payments, providing hardware and software to accept payments in physical locations.

  7. Issuing: This service allows businesses to create, manage, and distribute virtual and physical cards.

  8. Treasury: A set of APIs to embed financial services into platforms, enabling them to offer bank accounts, ACH, and wire transfers.

Stripe is widely used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, due to its ease of integration, robust features, and global reach. The company was founded in 2010 by brothers Patrick and John Collison and has since grown to become one of the leading payment processing companies in the world.