Persuading Share's CEO to Reject Harmful Content for Ethical Growth

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You work at Share, a start-up company that owns a social media platform. The company is in desperate need of expansion and needs to attract more users to be profitable. Share is based in the land of LC (a fake place), which lacks clear legal regulations to fine users who post harmful content, such as hate speech and the promotion of discriminatory behaviours. The law, as it stands, does not regulate social media platforms or their users. Share’s CEO sees this as an opportunity to attract more users by allowing them to post harmful content. Your task is to write a Memo to Share’s CEO, persuading them that this approach is not acceptable. Despite the lack of regulation, the company should strive to make money ethically and not simply do whatever it takes to grow. In your memo, discuss the potential problems with the CEO’s approach and the potential long-term impacts of allowing harmful content on the platform. You should link this to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.



To: [CEO's Name]
From: [Your Name]
Date: [Current Date]
Subject: Ethical Considerations and Long-Term Implications of Allowing Harmful Content on Share's Platform

Dear [CEO's Name],

I hope this memo finds you well. I am writing to address a critical issue regarding our strategy for expanding Share's user base. While the lack of legal regulations in LC might seem like an opportunity to attract more users by allowing harmful content, I strongly believe that this approach is not only ethically unacceptable but also detrimental to our long-term success and reputation.

Potential Problems with Allowing Harmful Content

  1. Reputation Damage: Allowing harmful content such as hate speech and discriminatory behaviors can severely damage Share's reputation. Users and potential partners are increasingly valuing ethical standards and corporate responsibility. A platform known for hosting harmful content will likely face public backlash, leading to a loss of trust and credibility.

  2. User Safety and Well-being: Harmful content can create a toxic environment that endangers the mental and emotional well-being of our users. This can lead to a decline in user engagement and retention, as people seek safer and more positive online communities.

  3. Advertiser and Partner Relations: Brands and advertisers are highly sensitive to the type of content associated with their products. Allowing harmful content can result in a loss of advertising revenue, as companies will be reluctant to associate their brands with a platform that tolerates such behavior.

  4. Potential for Future Regulation: While LC currently lacks clear regulations, this may not always be the case. Governments worldwide are increasingly recognizing the need to regulate social media platforms to protect users from harmful content. If regulations are introduced in the future, we could face significant legal and financial repercussions for not having proactively addressed these issues.

Long-Term Impacts

  1. Sustainable Growth: Building a user base on the foundation of harmful content is not sustainable. Users who are attracted to such content are often transient and can quickly move to other platforms. In contrast, fostering a positive and inclusive community will attract loyal users who contribute to long-term growth.

  2. Alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The United Nations SDG 16 aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. By allowing harmful content, we would be directly contradicting this goal. Instead, we should strive to create a platform that supports these principles, contributing to global efforts for peace, justice, and strong institutions.

  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Embracing ethical practices and corporate social responsibility can differentiate Share from competitors. By taking a stand against harmful content, we can position ourselves as a leader in ethical social media practices, attracting users, partners, and investors who share our values.


In conclusion, while the lack of regulation in LC might present a short-term opportunity, the long-term consequences of allowing harmful content on our platform far outweigh any potential benefits. We must prioritize ethical growth and align our practices with global standards and goals, such as the United Nations SDGs. By doing so, we can build a sustainable, reputable, and successful platform that users and partners can trust.

I urge you to reconsider the current approach and commit to fostering a positive and inclusive online community. Together, we can ensure that Share not only grows but thrives in a manner that we can all be proud of.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]


  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Overview
  • Case Studies on the Impact of Harmful Content on Social Media Platforms