Class 9 Science Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure?

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Class 9 science chapter 2 notes


Sure! Here are concise notes for Class 9 Science Chapter 2, which typically covers "Is Matter Around Us Pure?" This chapter focuses on the concepts of pure substances, mixtures, and their classifications.

Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure?

1. Matter

  • Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
  • It can exist in three states: solid, liquid, and gas.

2. Pure Substances

  • A pure substance has a uniform and definite composition.
  • It can be classified into:
    • Elements: Cannot be broken down into simpler substances (e.g., oxygen, gold).
    • Compounds: Made up of two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed ratio (e.g., water, carbon dioxide).

3. Mixtures

  • A mixture contains two or more substances that are not chemically combined.
  • Mixtures can be classified into:
    • Homogeneous Mixtures: Composition is uniform throughout (e.g., saltwater, air).
    • Heterogeneous Mixtures: Composition is not uniform (e.g., salad, oil and water).

4. Separation Techniques

  • Various methods can be used to separate components of mixtures:
    • Filtration: Used to separate solids from liquids (e.g., sand from water).
    • Evaporation: Used to separate a soluble solid from a liquid (e.g., salt from saltwater).
    • Distillation: Used to separate liquids based on different boiling points (e.g., separating alcohol from water).
    • Chromatography: Used to separate different pigments in a mixture (e.g., ink separation).

5. Colloids and Suspensions

  • Colloids: Mixtures where tiny particles are dispersed in a medium (e.g., milk, fog). They do not settle out and cannot be separated by filtration.
  • Suspensions: Mixtures where larger particles are suspended in a liquid (e.g., muddy water). They can settle out over time and can be separated by filtration.

6. Properties of Mixtures

  • Mixtures retain the properties of their individual components.
  • The composition of mixtures can vary, unlike pure substances.

7. Applications

  • Understanding mixtures and pure substances is essential in various fields, including chemistry, medicine, and food technology.


  • Matter can be classified as pure substances or mixtures.
  • Pure substances consist of elements and compounds, while mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
  • Various separation techniques are used to isolate components of mixtures.

Important Terms

  • Element
  • Compound
  • Homogeneous Mixture
  • Heterogeneous Mixture
  • Filtration
  • Evaporation
  • Distillation
  • Chromatography
  • Colloid
  • Suspension

These notes provide a basic overview of the chapter. For a deeper understanding, it's recommended to refer to your textbook and class notes.