Understanding TypeScript Maps and Sets: Usage and Operations

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typescript maps and sets how they works


In TypeScript, Map and Set are part of the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) standard and provide more flexible and efficient ways to handle collections of data compared to traditional objects and arrays. Here's a detailed look at how they work:


A Map is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys can be of any type. This is different from a regular JavaScript object, where keys are always strings or symbols.

Basic Operations

  1. Creating a Map:

    let map = new Map<string, number>();
  2. Adding Entries:

    map.set("one", 1);
    map.set("two", 2);
  3. Getting Values:

    let value = map.get("one"); // 1
  4. Checking for Keys:

    let hasKey = map.has("two"); // true
  5. Deleting Entries:

  6. Clearing the Map:

  7. Iterating Over a Map:

    map.set("one", 1);
    map.set("two", 2);
    for (let [key, value] of map) {
        console.log(key, value);


A Set is a collection of unique values. Unlike arrays, sets do not allow duplicate values.

Basic Operations

  1. Creating a Set:

    let set = new Set<number>();
  2. Adding Values:

    set.add(2); // Duplicate, will not be added
  3. Checking for Values:

    let hasValue = set.has(1); // true
  4. Deleting Values:

  5. Clearing the Set:

  6. Iterating Over a Set:

    for (let value of set) {

Differences Between Map and Set

  • Map:

    • Stores key-value pairs.
    • Keys can be of any type.
    • Maintains the order of insertion.
    • Methods: set, get, has, delete, clear, forEach.
  • Set:

    • Stores unique values.
    • Values can be of any type.
    • Maintains the order of insertion.
    • Methods: add, has, delete, clear, forEach.

TypeScript Specifics

TypeScript provides strong typing for Map and Set, which helps catch errors at compile time.

Typed Map Example

let map = new Map<string, number>();
map.set("one", 1);
map.set("two", 2);

let value: number | undefined = map.get("one"); // TypeScript knows value is a number or undefined

Typed Set Example

let set = new Set<number>();

let hasValue: boolean = set.has(1); // TypeScript knows hasValue is a boolean


Map and Set are powerful data structures in TypeScript that provide more flexibility and efficiency compared to traditional objects and arrays. They come with a rich set of methods for managing collections of data, and TypeScript's type system ensures that you can use them safely and effectively.