Finding Dental Education Journals Indexed on PubMed: A Step-by-Step Guide

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search dental education journal indexed on pubmed


To find dental education journals indexed on PubMed, you can use the PubMed database itself. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Go to PubMed: Open your web browser and go to the PubMed website at

  2. Search for Dental Education Journals:

    • In the search bar, you can use specific keywords to find journals related to dental education. For example, you can type dental education journal or dental education.
    • You can also use more specific search terms like dental education AND journal[ta] to narrow down the search to articles published in journals specifically focused on dental education.
  3. Filter Your Results:

    • After performing the search, you can use the filters on the left-hand side of the results page to narrow down your search. For example, you can filter by article type, publication date, and more.
    • To specifically find journals, you might want to look at the "Journal" filter to see which journals are publishing articles on dental education.
  4. Review the Journals:

    • Look through the search results to identify journals that are focused on dental education. Some well-known journals in this field include:
      • Journal of Dental Education
      • European Journal of Dental Education
      • Journal of Dental Research (which sometimes includes educational research)
      • Advances in Health Sciences Education (which may include dental education articles)
  5. Check Journal Information:

    • Click on the titles of the articles to see more details, including the journal name. You can also visit the journal’s website for more information about their focus and scope.
  6. Use the NLM Catalog:

    • Another useful tool is the NLM Catalog, which allows you to search for journals indexed in PubMed. You can access it at NLM Catalog.
    • In the NLM Catalog, you can search for terms like dental education to find journals that are indexed in PubMed.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and explore various dental education journals that are indexed on