Discussion Notes for Group Interaction on the Movie "Wonder"

Answered using ChatGPT 4o by ChatGPT4o


Movie: Wonder Points to note: Instructions

  1. You should write down notes on the card you have been given.
  2. The time for a Group Interaction is 6 - 8 minutes
  3. Express your opinions with reasons and examples, do not just state facts.
  4. Respond to and encourage questions from the other members of your group. Interact!
  5. You may not have time to discuss every point given below. The questions and points for discussion given are to help you plan the discussion. The most important thing is to have an interactive discussion.
  6. Remember to make references to the movie during the group interaction. Task: Discuss the following statement: We should treat people who look different from us with respect and kindness ** Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why? The points below may help you with the group interaction: • How does Auggie feel about going to school? Why? • Are you more like Summer, Jack Will or neither of them? • How did other kids treat Auggie on Halloween when he was we

Discussion Notes for Group Interaction on the Movie "Wonder"

Statement: We should treat people who look different from us with respect and kindness.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why?

1. Agreement with the Statement:

  • Respect and Kindness: Treating people with respect and kindness is a fundamental human value. It fosters a positive and inclusive environment.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Everyone has their own struggles and challenges. Showing empathy can make a significant difference in someone's life.
  • Moral Responsibility: It is our moral responsibility to treat others the way we would like to be treated.

2. How does Auggie feel about going to school? Why?

  • Nervous and Anxious: Auggie feels nervous and anxious about going to school because he is aware of his facial differences and fears being bullied or ostracized.
  • Desire for Normalcy: Despite his fears, Auggie wants to experience normal school life and make friends.
  • Support System: His family, especially his mother, encourages him to face his fears and assures him of their support.

3. Are you more like Summer, Jack Will, or neither of them?

  • Summer: She is kind-hearted and befriends Auggie without any prejudice. She sees beyond his appearance and values him for who he is.
  • Jack Will: Initially, he is hesitant and influenced by peer pressure but eventually realizes the importance of true friendship and stands up for Auggie.
  • Personal Reflection: Reflect on your own behavior and attitudes. Are you naturally empathetic like Summer, or do you need to overcome initial biases like Jack Will?

4. How did other kids treat Auggie on Halloween when he was wearing a costume?

  • Positive Experience: On Halloween, Auggie feels more confident because his costume hides his face, allowing him to blend in.
  • Negative Incident: However, he overhears Jack Will making hurtful comments about him, which deeply affects him and makes him feel betrayed.
  • Lesson Learned: This incident highlights the impact of words and actions on someone's feelings and the importance of being kind even when we think no one is watching.

5. Encouraging Interaction:

  • Ask Questions: Encourage group members to share their thoughts and personal experiences related to the topic.
  • Active Listening: Show genuine interest in others' opinions and respond thoughtfully.
  • Examples from the Movie: Use specific scenes and character actions from "Wonder" to support your points and make the discussion more engaging.

6. References to the Movie:

  • Auggie's Journey: Discuss how Auggie's journey in the movie exemplifies the importance of kindness and acceptance.
  • Character Development: Highlight the growth of characters like Jack Will and how they learn to value true friendship over superficial judgments.
  • Impact of Kindness: Mention how acts of kindness from characters like Summer and Auggie's family positively influence his school experience.


  • Summarize Key Points: Recap the main arguments supporting the statement that we should treat people who look different from us with respect and kindness.
  • Final Thoughts: Encourage group members to reflect on how they can apply these lessons in their own lives and promote a more inclusive and compassionate community.