Python Command Interpreter for Robot Programming: Variables & Callers

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python: extracting local variables and global variables as well as command callers in a text-based command interpreter for robot programming language


Creating a text-based command interpreter for a robot programming language involves parsing commands, managing variables, and executing actions. Below is a simplified example of how you might implement such an interpreter in Python. This example will focus on extracting local and global variables and identifying command callers.

Step 1: Define the Command Interpreter

First, let's define a basic structure for the command interpreter. We'll use dictionaries to store global and local variables and a simple command parsing mechanism.

class CommandInterpreter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_vars = {}
        self.local_vars = {}
        self.commands = {
            'set': self.set_var,
            'print': self.print_var,
            'move': self.move_robot,
            'call': self.call_function

    def set_var(self, args, local=False):
        var_name, value = args.split()
        if local:
            self.local_vars[var_name] = value
            self.global_vars[var_name] = value

    def print_var(self, args, local=False):
        var_name = args.strip()
        if local and var_name in self.local_vars:
        elif var_name in self.global_vars:
            print(f"Variable {var_name} not found")

    def move_robot(self, args):
        direction, steps = args.split()
        print(f"Moving robot {direction} by {steps} steps")

    def call_function(self, args):
        func_name = args.strip()
        if func_name in self.commands:
            print(f"Function {func_name} not found")

    def execute(self, command):
        parts = command.split(' ', 1)
        cmd = parts[0]
        args = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else ""
        if cmd in self.commands:
            print(f"Unknown command: {cmd}")

    def execute_script(self, script):
        for line in script.split('\n'):

# Example usage
interpreter = CommandInterpreter()
script = """
set x 10
print x
move forward 5
call print_x

Step 2: Handling Local and Global Variables

To handle local and global variables, we can modify the set_var and print_var methods to accept a local parameter. This parameter will determine whether the variable should be stored in the local or global scope.

Step 3: Command Callers

The call_function method allows calling other functions within the interpreter. This can be expanded to handle more complex function calls and even nested calls.

Step 4: Example Script

The example script demonstrates setting a variable, printing it, moving the robot, and calling a function. The execute_script method processes each line of the script.

Step 5: Extending the Interpreter

This is a basic example, and you can extend it by adding more commands, handling more complex expressions, and improving error handling. You can also add support for loops, conditionals, and more advanced features as needed.


This example provides a foundation for a text-based command interpreter for a robot programming language. By managing global and local variables and supporting command calls, you can build a flexible and powerful interpreter for your specific needs.