PHP Script to Display Current Time with 4-Digit Seconds and GMT

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in PHP echo current time with 4 digits seconds and gmt details like format below: "YYYY-mm-dd, HH:mm:ss, ?GMT"


To display the current time in PHP with the specified format "YYYY-mm-dd, HH:mm:ss, ?GMT", where the seconds have 4 digits and the GMT offset is included, you can use the date function along with DateTime and DateTimeZone classes. However, note that seconds typically have only two digits. If you need to include milliseconds to make it four digits, you can use the microtime function.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

// Set the default timezone to GMT

// Get the current time with microseconds
$microtime = microtime(true);

// Create a DateTime object from the microtime
$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('U.u', $microtime);

// Set the timezone to GMT
$dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('GMT'));

// Format the date and time
$formattedDate = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d, H:i:s.u');

// Extract the milliseconds part
$milliseconds = substr($formattedDate, -3);

// Format the final output
$output = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d, H:i:s') . substr($milliseconds, 0, 1) . ' GMT';

// Display the output
echo $output;

This script will output the current time in the format "YYYY-mm-dd, HH:mm:ss, ?GMT" with the seconds including milliseconds to make it four digits. Note that the u format character in the DateTime::format method includes microseconds, and we use substr to extract the first digit of the microseconds to append to the seconds.

If you strictly need four digits for the seconds without milliseconds, you would need to reconsider the requirement, as standard time representation does not support four digits for seconds.