Calculating HRD Scores from Tumor-Only Samples: A Step-by-Step Guide

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how calculate hrd scores based only on tumor only sample?


Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) scores are typically calculated using genomic data to assess the extent of genomic instability, which can indicate deficiencies in the homologous recombination repair pathway. When working with tumor-only samples, the process can be more challenging due to the lack of a matched normal sample for comparison. However, it is still possible to estimate HRD scores using specific bioinformatics tools and methodologies. Here are the general steps:

  1. Data Preparation:

    • Sequencing: Obtain high-quality sequencing data from the tumor sample.
    • Alignment: Align the sequencing reads to a reference genome (e.g., using BWA or another aligner).
  2. Variant Calling:

    • Use variant calling tools (e.g., GATK, Mutect2) to identify somatic mutations, copy number variations (CNVs), and structural variations (SVs) in the tumor sample.
  3. HRD Score Calculation:

    • Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH): Identify regions of LOH, which are indicative of HRD. Tools like ASCAT or FACETS can be used to infer LOH from tumor-only samples.
    • Telomeric Allelic Imbalance (TAI): Measure the number of regions with allelic imbalance extending to the telomeres. This can be done using tools like Sequenza.
    • Large-Scale State Transitions (LST): Count the number of chromosomal breaks between adjacent regions of at least 10 Mb. Tools like HRDetect can help in identifying these transitions.
  4. Combining Scores:

    • Combine the scores from LOH, TAI, and LST to calculate the overall HRD score. This can be done using a weighted sum or other statistical methods to integrate the different types of genomic instability.
  5. Interpretation:

    • Compare the calculated HRD score to established thresholds to determine if the tumor sample is likely to have HRD. High HRD scores are typically indicative of deficiencies in the homologous recombination repair pathway.

Tools and Resources

  • HRDetect: A comprehensive tool that integrates multiple types of genomic data to predict HRD status.
  • ScarHRD: A tool specifically designed to calculate HRD scores based on LOH, TAI, and LST.
  • Sequenza: Useful for analyzing copy number and allelic content in tumor samples.
  • ASCAT: For allele-specific copy number analysis of tumors.


  • Tumor Purity: Ensure that the tumor sample has a high purity to reduce noise in the data.
  • Coverage: High sequencing coverage is essential for accurate detection of genomic alterations.
  • Bioinformatics Expertise: Proper handling and analysis of the data require expertise in bioinformatics and access to computational resources.

By following these steps and using the appropriate tools, you can estimate HRD scores from tumor-only samples, which can be valuable for understanding the tumor's biology and potential response to therapies targeting