Incorporating Upsells in Charity Website Slideout Panels: 9 UI/UX Strategies

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I am creating slideout panels for charity website. This will be the primary donation collection flow. Can you please give me a few suggestion on how ot incorporate upsells within the slideout panels. The upeslls could include admin cost, Medical pack, family support, etc

Suggest me the ways i could incorporate this upsell panel along with the cart

like one way is to make an extended column either on left or right of the cart. Suggest a couple other ways

Accordion, inline, popup, Sticky header or nav - these options are not implementable. Hence, need your input on all other possible options from ui/ux standpoint


Certainly! Here are a few suggestions for incorporating upsells within the slideout panels for your charity website, considering the constraints you've mentioned:

1. Expandable Sections within the Slideout Panel

  • Description: Within the main slideout panel, you can have expandable sections for each upsell option. When a user clicks on an upsell option, it expands to show more details and a checkbox or button to add it to the cart.
  • Pros: Keeps everything within a single panel, reducing the need for additional space.
  • Cons: May become cluttered if there are too many upsell options.

2. Tabs within the Slideout Panel

  • Description: Use tabs at the top or side of the slideout panel to switch between the main donation flow and upsell options. For example, one tab for "Donation" and another for "Additional Support."
  • Pros: Keeps the interface clean and organized.
  • Cons: Users may not notice the tabs, so clear labeling and possibly a prompt might be necessary.

3. Inline Cards within the Slideout Panel

  • Description: Display upsell options as cards within the main slideout panel. Each card can have a brief description, an image, and a button to add the upsell to the cart.
  • Pros: Visually appealing and easy to understand.
  • Cons: May require more vertical space, leading to scrolling.

4. Floating Action Button (FAB)

  • Description: Add a floating action button within the slideout panel that, when clicked, reveals a mini-panel or modal with upsell options.
  • Pros: Keeps the main panel uncluttered and provides a clear call-to-action.
  • Cons: Users may overlook the FAB if it's not prominent enough.

5. Carousel within the Slideout Panel

  • Description: Use a carousel to display upsell options within the slideout panel. Users can swipe or click through different upsell options.
  • Pros: Engaging and interactive.
  • Cons: Users may miss some options if they don't scroll through the entire carousel.

6. Embedded Upsell Prompts

  • Description: Embed upsell prompts at strategic points within the donation flow. For example, after the user selects a donation amount, prompt them with an upsell option before they proceed to the next step.
  • Pros: Contextual and timely, increasing the likelihood of acceptance.
  • Cons: May interrupt the flow if not done carefully.

7. Side-by-Side Panels

  • Description: Instead of extending the column, you can have a dual-panel slideout where the left panel is for the main donation flow and the right panel is for upsell options. Both panels can be visible simultaneously.
  • Pros: Clear separation of main and additional options.
  • Cons: Requires more horizontal space, which may not be ideal for all screen sizes.

8. Progressive Disclosure

  • Description: Use progressive disclosure techniques where upsell options are revealed as the user progresses through the donation flow. For example, after confirming the donation amount, the next step could present upsell options.
  • Pros: Keeps the initial interface simple and uncluttered.
  • Cons: Users may feel overwhelmed if too many options are presented at once.

9. Sticky Sidebar within the Slideout Panel

  • Description: Implement a sticky sidebar within the slideout panel that contains upsell options. As users scroll through the main donation flow, the sidebar remains visible.
  • Pros: Ensures upsell options are always visible without taking up too much space.
  • Cons: May be challenging to implement on smaller screens.

By carefully considering the user experience and the flow of your donation process, you can choose the method that best fits your website's design and user needs.