Strategies for Parallelizing Mutect2 for Efficient Somatic Mutation Calling

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how parallelise mutect2


Parallelizing Mutect2, a tool from the GATK suite used for calling somatic mutations, can significantly speed up the analysis of large datasets. Here are some strategies to parallelize Mutect2:

1. Scatter-Gather Approach

This is the most common method for parallelizing GATK tools, including Mutect2.


  1. Scatter: Split the input data (e.g., the genome) into smaller chunks.
  2. Process: Run Mutect2 on each chunk in parallel.
  3. Gather: Combine the results from each chunk into a final output.


  • Scatter: Use IntervalListTools from Picard or SplitIntervals from GATK to divide the genome into intervals.

    gatk SplitIntervals \
        -R reference.fasta \
        -L intervals.list \
        --scatter-count 50 \
        -O scattered_intervals/

    This command splits the genome into 50 intervals.

  • Process: Run Mutect2 on each interval in parallel. This can be done using a job scheduler (e.g., SLURM, SGE) or GNU Parallel.

    parallel -j 8 gatk Mutect2 -R reference.fasta -I input.bam -L {} -O output_{}.vcf ::: scattered_intervals/*.intervals

    This command runs 8 parallel jobs.

  • Gather: Combine the VCF files using GatherVcfs from Picard or MergeVcfs from GATK.

    gatk MergeVcfs \
        -I output_1.vcf -I output_2.vcf -I output_3.vcf ... -I output_50.vcf \
        -O final_output.vcf

2. Using a Workflow Management System

Workflow management systems like WDL (Workflow Description Language) with Cromwell, Nextflow, or Snakemake can automate the scatter-gather process.

Example with WDL and Cromwell:

  • WDL Script: Write a WDL script to define the scatter-gather workflow.

    workflow mutect2_scatter_gather {
        File reference
        File input_bam
        Array[File] intervals
        scatter (interval in intervals) {
            call Mutect2 {
                    reference = reference,
                    input_bam = input_bam,
                    interval = interval
        call MergeVcfs {
                vcfs = Mutect2.output_vcf
    task Mutect2 {
        File reference
        File input_bam
        File interval
        command {
            gatk Mutect2 -R ${reference} -I ${input_bam} -L ${interval} -O output.vcf
        output {
            File output_vcf = "output.vcf"
    task MergeVcfs {
        Array[File] vcfs
        command {
            gatk MergeVcfs -I ${sep=' -I ' vcfs} -O final_output.vcf
        output {
            File final_output_vcf = "final_output.vcf"
  • Run with Cromwell:

    java -jar cromwell.jar run mutect2_scatter_gather.wdl -i inputs.json

3. Using Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud platforms like Google Cloud, AWS, or Azure offer managed services for running GATK workflows in parallel.

  • Google Cloud: Use Google Genomics Pipelines API or Terra (formerly FireCloud).
  • AWS: Use AWS Batch or AWS Genomics CLI.
  • Azure: Use Azure Batch or Cromwell on Azure.

4. Using Docker and Kubernetes

Containerize the GATK tools and run them on a Kubernetes cluster for scalable and efficient parallel processing.


  • Dockerize GATK: Create a Docker image with GATK installed.

    FROM broadinstitute/gatk:latest
  • Kubernetes Job: Define a Kubernetes job to run Mutect2 on each interval.

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: mutect2-job
      parallelism: 50
          - name: mutect2
            image: your-docker-image
            command: ["gatk", "Mutect2", "-R", "reference.fasta", "-I", "input.bam", "-L", "interval", "-O", "output.vcf"]
          restartPolicy: Never


Parallelizing Mutect2 involves splitting the input data into smaller chunks, processing each chunk in parallel, and then combining the results. This can be achieved using scatter-gather approaches, workflow management systems, cloud-based solutions, or container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. Choose the method that best fits your computational resources and workflow requirements.