Forensic Odontology Module for Bachelor of Dental Science Program

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bachelor dental science 180 ECTS / EQF 6. module title:Forensic Odontology 3 ECTS general contents: Application of dental science in legal investigations. could you develop the module considering that program framework is structured over three years, with each year focusing on progressively advanced topics in dental science and research skills with the aim to address the growing demand for dental professionals involved in research, technology development, IT, and engineering disciplines.


Certainly! Below is a detailed module outline for "Forensic Odontology" worth 3 ECTS, designed to fit within a three-year Bachelor of Dental Science program. The module is structured to progressively build on the students' knowledge and skills in dental science, with a focus on its application in legal investigations.

Module Title: Forensic Odontology

Credits: 3 ECTS
EQF Level: 6
Year: 3
Semester: 2

Module Description:

This module provides an in-depth understanding of the application of dental science in legal investigations. It covers the principles and practices of forensic odontology, including the identification of human remains, age estimation, bite mark analysis, and the role of dental evidence in criminal and civil cases. The module also emphasizes the integration of research, technology, and interdisciplinary approaches in forensic investigations.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the role and importance of forensic odontology in legal investigations.
  2. Apply dental knowledge to identify human remains and estimate age.
  3. Analyze bite marks and other dental evidence in the context of criminal and civil cases.
  4. Utilize research and technology in forensic odontology.
  5. Collaborate with professionals from various disciplines in forensic investigations.

Module Content:

  1. Introduction to Forensic Odontology

    • Definition and scope
    • Historical development
    • Legal and ethical considerations
  2. Identification of Human Remains

    • Dental records and charting
    • Comparative dental identification
    • Postmortem dental profiling
  3. Age Estimation

    • Dental development and eruption patterns
    • Radiographic techniques
    • Age estimation in children and adults
  4. Bite Mark Analysis

    • Characteristics of bite marks
    • Collection and preservation of evidence
    • Comparison techniques and interpretation
  5. Dental Evidence in Legal Cases

    • Role of dental evidence in criminal and civil cases
    • Case studies and real-world applications
    • Expert witness testimony
  6. Research and Technology in Forensic Odontology

    • Advances in dental imaging and digital forensics
    • DNA analysis from dental tissues
    • Interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration
  7. Practical Applications and Case Studies

    • Hands-on exercises in dental identification and age estimation
    • Analysis of bite mark evidence
    • Review of landmark cases and their outcomes

Teaching Methods:

  • Lectures: To provide theoretical knowledge and foundational concepts.
  • Practical Sessions: Hands-on exercises in dental identification, age estimation, and bite mark analysis.
  • Case Studies: Analysis and discussion of real-world forensic cases.
  • Guest Lectures: Sessions with forensic experts and legal professionals.
  • Group Projects: Collaborative projects to simulate interdisciplinary forensic investigations.

Assessment Methods:

  • Written Examination: To assess theoretical understanding (40%).
  • Practical Examination: To evaluate hands-on skills in forensic odontology (30%).
  • Case Study Analysis: Written report and presentation on a selected case study (20%).
  • Group Project: Collaborative project report and presentation (10%).

Recommended Reading:

  • Textbooks:
    • "Forensic Odontology: Principles and Practice" by Jane Taylor and Jules Kieser
    • "Manual of Forensic Odontology" by David R. Senn and Richard A. Weems
  • Journals:
    • Journal of Forensic Sciences
    • Forensic Science International
  • Online Resources:
    • American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO) website
    • International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS) website

Module Coordinator:

Dr. [Name], PhD in Forensic Odontology, [University Department]


  • Completion of foundational courses in dental anatomy, radiology, and pathology.
  • Basic understanding of legal and ethical issues in healthcare.

This module is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to apply dental science in forensic investigations, preparing them for careers in forensic odontology and related fields.