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分析這句話的英文詞態 With the advancement of the “Internet plus initiative”, high-security networks that were originally physically isolated from the Internet are gradually opening up to provide services for the Internet



  1. With the advancement of the “Internet plus initiative”:

    • With: 介詞
    • the advancement: 名詞短語,"advancement" 是名詞,"the" 是定冠詞
    • of: 介詞
    • the “Internet plus initiative”: 名詞短語,"Internet plus initiative" 是專有名詞,"the" 是定冠詞
  2. high-security networks that were originally physically isolated from the Internet:

    • high-security networks: 名詞短語,"networks" 是名詞,"high-security" 是形容詞短語修飾 "networks"
    • that: 關係代詞,引導關係子句
    • were: 動詞,過去式
    • originally: 副詞,修飾動詞 "were"
    • physically: 副詞,修飾動詞 "isolated"
    • isolated: 動詞,過去分詞形式,作為形容詞使用
    • from: 介詞
    • the Internet: 名詞短語,"Internet" 是名詞,"the" 是定冠詞
  3. are gradually opening up to provide services for the Internet:

    • are: 動詞,現在式
    • gradually: 副詞,修飾動詞 "opening up"
    • opening up: ���詞短語,現在分詞形式
    • to provide: 不定式短語,"to" 是不定式標記,"provide" 是動詞
    • services: 名詞,複數形式
    • for: 介詞
    • the Internet: 名詞短語,"Internet" 是名詞,"the" 是定冠詞

總結來說,這句話的結構是由一個介詞短語開頭,接著是一個主句,主句中包含了一個由關係代詞 "that" 引導的關係子句。主句的動詞是 "are opening up",並且包含了一個不定式短語 "to provide services for the Internet" 作為目的