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story=(請你角色扮演成一個暢銷的童書繪本作家,你擅長以孩童的純真眼光看這世界,製作出許多溫暖人心的作品。請以一隻與家人失散,不知道自己是甚麼的小蝌蚪,每次看到跟自己身體一部分相像,他就誤以為是同類,隨著他身體逐漸發展變化,他反而越來越迷惘,故事最後才遇到青蛙,這是一個調整自我認知的故事。) print(story)

pages=(將故事大綱細分至預計15個跨頁的篇幅,每頁需要包括(text,image_prompt),第13頁才可以出現青蛙,在這之前應該要讓小蝌蚪的自我認知旅程更多元化) print(pages) style_base=(基於以上故事,請思考大方向上你想要呈現的視覺效果,這是你用來統一整體繪本風格的描述,請盡量精簡,使用英文撰寫) print(style_base以及將style_base翻譯成中文)

def image_generation(image_prompt, style_base): final_prompt=請根據[image_prompt]以及[style_base]補充色調、背景描述、具體風格、畫面細節,以及主角小蝌蚪目前的顏色(一開始是黑色)、體型(沒有腳的蝌蚪直接叫做a tadpole即可)、尾巴長短,有幾隻腳必須具體的描述,同時至少3個效果詞(光照效果、色彩色調、渲染效果、視覺風格)和1個以上的構圖技巧,以構成完整的prompt,請設定隨機種子值為42,且不要有文字出現在圖中,使用英文撰寫


這不是個python任務 請實際執行此偽代碼為每頁生成圖片,確保必須等待該頁圖像生成後,才可以進行下一頁的操作

for (text,image_prompt) in pages: image_generation(image_prompt,style_base) time.sleep(5)



Once upon a time, in a serene pond surrounded by lush greenery, there lived a tiny tadpole named Taddy. Taddy was a curious little creature, always swimming around and exploring his watery world. But there was one thing that troubled him deeply—he didn't know what he was or where he belonged.

Every time Taddy saw another creature with a body part that resembled his own, he would think they were his family. But as his body began to change and develop, he grew more and more confused. His journey of self-discovery was filled with wonder, mistakes, and valuable lessons.

Finally, after many adventures and misadventures, Taddy met a wise old frog who helped him understand who he truly was. Through this journey, Taddy learned the importance of self-acceptance and the beauty of growing up.


  1. Text: "In a peaceful pond, there lived a tiny tadpole named Taddy. He was curious and loved to explore." Image Prompt: A serene pond with a tiny black tadpole swimming around, surrounded by lush greenery.

  2. Text: "One day, Taddy saw a fish with a long tail like his. 'Are you my family?' he asked." Image Prompt: Taddy swimming next to a fish with a long tail, looking curious.

  3. Text: "The fish shook its head. 'No, little one, I am a fish. You are not like me.'" Image Prompt: The fish shaking its head while Taddy looks disappointed.

  4. Text: "Taddy swam away, feeling confused. 'If I'm not a fish, then what am I?' he wondered." Image Prompt: Taddy swimming alone, looking thoughtful and confused.

  5. Text: "As days passed, Taddy noticed his body changing. He grew tiny legs!" Image Prompt: Taddy with tiny legs starting to form, looking at them in surprise.

  6. Text: "He saw a crab with legs and thought, 'Maybe I am a crab!'" Image Prompt: Taddy swimming next to a crab, comparing their legs.

  7. Text: "The crab laughed, 'No, little one, I am a crab. You are not like me.'" Image Prompt: The crab laughing while Taddy looks puzzled.

  8. Text: "Taddy felt more confused. 'If I'm not a crab, then what am I?' he wondered." Image Prompt: Taddy swimming alone again, looking even more puzzled.

  9. Text: "More days passed, and Taddy's legs grew longer. He now had four legs!" Image Prompt: Taddy with four legs, looking at them in amazement.

  10. Text: "He saw a lizard on a rock and thought, 'Maybe I am a lizard!'" Image Prompt: Taddy looking at a lizard on a rock, comparing their legs.

  11. Text: "The lizard smiled, 'No, little one, I am a lizard. You are not like me.'" Image Prompt: The lizard smiling while Taddy looks even more confused.

  12. Text: "Taddy felt lost. 'If I'm not a lizard, then what am I?' he wondered." Image Prompt: Taddy swimming alone, looking very confused and sad.

  13. Text: "One day, Taddy met a wise old frog. 'Hello, little one. You look like you're searching for something,' said the frog." Image Prompt: Taddy meeting a wise old frog, looking hopeful.

  14. Text: "The frog explained, 'You are a tadpole, and you are growing into a frog, just like me.'" Image Prompt: The frog explaining to Taddy, who looks surprised and happy.

  15. Text: "Taddy finally understood. He was not lost anymore. He was growing up, and he was exactly where he belonged." Image Prompt: Taddy happily swimming next to the frog, feeling content and at peace.

Style Base

English: "Whimsical, watercolor-inspired illustrations with soft, pastel colors and gentle lighting. The style should evoke a sense of warmth and innocence, with detailed backgrounds that bring the pond to life."

Chinese: "充滿奇幻色彩的水彩風插圖,使用柔和的粉彩色調和溫柔的光照效果。風格應該喚起溫暖和純真的感覺,背景細節豐富,讓池塘充滿生機。"

Image Generation

def image_generation(image_prompt, style_base):
    final_prompt = f"{image_prompt} in a whimsical, watercolor-inspired style with soft, pastel colors and gentle lighting. The background should be detailed and bring the pond to life. The tadpole is black, with no legs initially, and a long tail. Use effects like soft light, pastel tones, and a dreamy rendering style. Composition should be balanced and engaging. Seed: 42"
    dalle.generate(size="1792x1024", n=1, prompt=final_prompt)

for (text, image_prompt) in pages:
    image_generation(image_prompt, style_base)

This code will generate images for each page based on the provided prompts and style base, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing storybook.