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用專業且通順的小說翻譯,翻譯下方英文為繁體中文,用語符合中文小說常用詞彙與成語,注意,不僅使用字面翻譯,也要搭配意譯,輸出前請反思修正過於機械翻譯語感的部門,不需要解釋 直接輸出結果

Light glissando up the piano by the bar followed by the obligatory tapping of a single high note. A song has come to the end. This is late Friday afternoon, October 1965, at the Tail O’ the Cock restaurant. Joe Coulombe, thirty-five, the smartest man in the room and just about every room he walks into, has gone jelly inside. Something bad is up. His friend and business partner, Merritt Adamson Jr., is mumbling, trying to gum up the courage to spit out some previously memorized line. The moment passes, and instead Joe watches Merritt lift a shy finger to the waiter, and order a fourth round of Gibsons.

