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請分析這句話的英文詞態 With the advancement of the “Internet plus initiative”, high-security networks that were originally physically isolated from the Internet are gradually opening up to provide services for the Internet



  1. With the advancement of the “Internet plus initiative”:

    • With: 介詞 (preposition)
    • the advancement: 名詞短語 (noun phrase)
      • the: 定冠詞 (definite article)
      • advancement: 名詞 (noun)
    • of the “Internet plus initiative”: 介詞短語 (prepositional phrase)
      • of: 介詞 (preposition)
      • the “Internet plus initiative”: 名詞短語 (noun phrase)
        • the: 定冠詞 (definite article)
        • “Internet plus initiative”: 專有名詞 (proper noun)
  2. high-security networks that were originally physically isolated from the Internet:

    • high-security networks: 名詞短語 (noun phrase)
      • high-security: 形容詞 (adjective)
      • networks: 名詞 (noun)
    • that were originally physically isolated from the Internet: 關係子句 (relative clause)
      • that: 關係代詞 (relative pronoun)
      • were: 動詞 (verb, past tense of "be")
      • originally: 副詞 (adverb)
      • physically: 副詞 (adverb)
      • isolated: 動詞過去分詞 (past participle of "isolate")
      • from the Internet: 介詞短語 (prepositional phrase)
        • from: 介詞 (preposition)
        • the Internet: 名詞短語 (noun phrase)
          • the: 定冠詞 (definite article)
          • Internet: 名詞 (noun)
  3. are gradually opening up to provide services for the Internet:

    • are: 動詞 (verb, present tense of "be")
    • gradually: 副詞 (adverb)
    • opening up: 動詞短語 (verb phrase, present participle of "open up")
    • to provide services for the Internet: 不定式短語 (infinitive phrase)
      • to provide: 不定式 (infinitive)
        • to: 不定式標記 (infinitive marker)
        • provide: 動詞 (verb)
      • services: 名詞 (noun, plural)
      • for the Internet: 介詞短語 (prepositional phrase)
        • for: 介詞 (preposition)
        • the Internet: 名詞短語 (noun phrase)
          • the: 定冠詞 (definite article)
          • Internet: 名詞 (noun)
